Matthew 5:16 Necklace | PromiseGems

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  • Regular price $50.00

Inspirational Christian Jewelry by PromiseGems

"Let your light so shine"  PromiseGems' brilliant silver necklace displays this inspirational bible verse'.  Fuchsia peonies, coral roses with teal and olive leaves form a fabuous, floral bouquest.  PromiseGems' Matthew 5:16 necklace will inspire you to let Jesus shine through you, giving light to others.  Be encouraged and look beautiful wearing PromiseGems Christian jewelry.  

Inspirational Bible Verse

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine"

Background: Jesus called His followers "lights" in a dark world.  Like a city on a hill, they were meant to be seen.  He told them, We don't put a lamp under a basket where it can't be seen.  We put a lamp on lamp stand where it can give light to everyone in the house.
Application: We are called to give light to those who walk in darkness.  We are to let our lights shine, so that people will see our good works and turn to the Lord.


Matthew 5:16 Necklace 

Flowers:  Fuchsia watercolor peonies and coral roses
Leaves: Teal and olive leaves with olive stems

Lettering: White, hand scripted lettering
Topic: Reflecting God's Goodness
Gem Text: Let Your Light so shine
Background Color: Blue-gray

Pearl: Coral (or color of your choice, see "Pearls" tab for color choices)
Frame: Antique silver with scroll design
Chain Finish: Bright silver
Necklace Style: Long, slip on

Necklace Name: Matthew 5:16
Availability:  Custom Order
Shipping:  Ships in 7 days

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