Sunflower In Garden Necklace | PromiseGems

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  • Regular price $50.00

Inspirational Christian Jewelry by PromiseGems

Happy and cheerful, that's how you'll feel wearing this beautiful sunflower necklace.  Bright yellow sunflowers with orange accents and black and brown centers are  surrounded by mossy green leaves and stems.  The Sunflower In Garden Necklace will remind you to focus on the things that are most important.  At PromiseGems we take inspirational Bible verses and turn them into beautiful pieces of Christian jewelry, wearable reminders of our faith.   


Inspirational Bible Verse

Colossians 3:2 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Background: The apostle Paul instructed the Colossian believers to set their minds on "things above".  But, what are the "things above"?  Colossians 3:1 says Christ, seated at the right hand of God.  So, we are to set our minds on Christ and our Heavenly Father.
Application: Our relationship with the Lord is most important relationship we have because everything else flows from that.  Let PromiseGems Sunflower Necklace remind you to focus on the the Lord and your relationship with Him.


Sunflower In Garden Necklace 

Flowers: Bright yellow sunflowers with orange accents and a black and brown centers bloom in the garden.
Leaves: Mossy green leaves and stems surround the flowers

Lettering: Black, hand scripted lettering
Topic: Make what's important to God, important to you.
Gem Text: Set your mind on things above.
Background Color: Bright white

Pearl: Bright yellow (or color of your choice, see "Pearls" tab for color choices)
Frame: Choice of antique silver or antique brass  with scroll design
Chain Finish: Choice of brilliant silver or antique brass
Necklace Style: Long, slip on

Necklace Name: Sunflower in Garden
Availability:  Custom Order
Shipping:  Ships in 7 days

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